Flagship store Alohas
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Alohas flagship store, a dialogue between the aggressive and the refined

The project by Clap Studio offers visitors an immersive and unique shopping experience. Located in the iconic street of Rambla Catalunya, in the heart of Barcelona, this 100-square-meter space embodies both the fashion brand’s history and its bolder new visual identity. With this first flagship, Alohas takes a decisive step towards offline commerce after conquering the digital world. […]

spatial concept One by One by Between the Walls
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One by One showroom by design studio Between The Walls

The spatial concept is designed to function as a stylish backdrop for the effective presentation of clothing. The interior features light tones and clean lines, enhancing the individuality of showcased goods without disruption. To create a more diverse and inviting atmosphere, a mix of metal and stone was used instead of opting for an entirely white space. […]

spatial concept One by One by Between the Walls

Il progetto dello Showroom One by One a Kiev

Il concept dello showroom One by One è stato ideato per fungere da scenografia alle collezioni di abiti del brand. Gli interni, caratterizzati da toni chiari e linee essenziali, valorizzano l’individualità dei prodotti esposti senza interruzioni. Per creare un’atmosfera più varia e accogliente, è stato adottato un mix di metallo e pietra. […]

Best Luxury Hotel Awards. Il premio per le eccellenze dell’ospitalità di lusso in Italia

Best Luxury Hotel Awards 2024: Proclamati i vincitori dell’ospitalità di lusso

La cerimonia, tenutasi nella splendida cornice dell’hotel Principe di Savoia a Milano, ha visto protagoniste le migliori realtà del settore. L’evento, condotto dalla celebre giornalista e imprenditrice Cristina Parodi, ha celebrato le eccellenze dell’ospitalità di lusso italiana davanti a un pubblico di oltre 350 invitati dell’hotellerie internazionale. […]

Restyling boutique Hublot Marina Bay Sands Singapore
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Hublot flagship store at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore

The boutique’s redesign and renovation process better reflects the needs and wants of a new generation of watch aficionados. The 71 sqm space, managed by leading specialist watch retailer The Hour Glass, debuts an empowering new retail concept in Southeast Asia alongside several other elements that seek to further elevate the customer experience. […]